Prayer For Miss Phee

Miss Phee

Dear Friends,

These past few days have been very challenging for my husband and me. Our little Yorkie, Miss Phee, has been suffering from an illness that is difficult to treat.

I ask you to join me in praying for her healing.
I’m truly devastated over her illness.

She is eleven, so she’s not a young dog, but she’s a Yorkie and has always been full of life and energy up until this year.
However, she has suffered from a liver shunt since she was three years old. Right now she is dealing with related issues, but not the liver shunt directly.

She hurt her back several months ago by jumping too much off of the furniture.
I found that I could not prevent my little dog from hurdling herself off of things when she was excited~alas! Now she has pain associated with all that leaping about.

Alas—everything is painful for Miss Phee right now. And she needs much prayer.
I remember my late dad saying as he got into his eighties that growing older was not for sissies. He even had a small pillow with that saying embroidered on it.
Miss Phee must be at least eighty or ninety in dog years by now.
I guess if she could talk she would agree with my dad’s bit of senior wisdom.

I am so grateful to the Lord that I have had my little Phee for eleven years, for liver shunt dogs aren’t usually as healthy as my little Miss Phee has been up until a few months ago.

Her vet said before she hurt her back that she was the poster dog for liver shunt dogs! Then back in the fall it all went downhill.

Miss Phee~ Tough Doggie 🖤

From the get-go Miss Phee was a fierce fighter. For when she was just a wee puppy, the vet had to redo her sutures about two months after she was spayed because she was allergic to the sutures and they caused her to have a bad reaction. She became very ill and had to go through that surgery twice.

I wept and prayed before the Lord for her healing for she had to be hospitalized for a week. It seemed I’d only had her for three months though it truly had been since August and now she was going to be taken from me. How could that be possible!
But at the time the Lord promised she would be restored to me. He even gave me a promise that not only would she be healed, but she would be a healthy and strong little dog and that I would have her with me to enjoy for many years.
He even gave me a sketch of her to go with my prayer.

Miss Phee had come to me through a dream that summer ~and a sketch.
Now God was giving me another promise.
Another sketch.
He would not take her away.
I stopped crying.

The previous spring and summer were among the worst of my life health wise. I had suffered the worst migraines ever up until that point.

My daughter was planning an early September wedding and I wanted very much to help her with her big day. I felt bad that I was bed ridden with allergies and severe migraines and was unable to be a part of the planning.
The doctors could do nothing for me.
I was losing hope that I would even be able to attend her wedding as mother of the bride. I was very depressed.

I had loved to walk before I got sick and had a particular route in my neighborhood that I took every day. As I walked I memorized the psalms and prayed for family and all kinds of needs as the Lord led me.

When I reached the summit of one particularly challenging hill, there was a panorama of the most beautiful mountains off in the distance. And I was always on a particular bible verse at that time.

As the mountains are round about Jerusalem,
so the Lord is round about His people from henceforth even for ever.” Psalms 125:2 KJV

The Lord was around me. I knew He was with me just as those mountains surrounded me.

One night I could not sleep, the pain in my head and neck were so severe. The Lord then encouraged me to say in my mind the Psalms I had memorized when I had been able to take my walks. He encouraged me to pray and meditate on His Word despite my pain

He said to walk with Him in the Spirit, to walk our route in my heart while saying the psalms I had memorized.

The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear, the Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? Psalms 27:1

As I began to repeat the Psalms over and over I drifted off to sleep. I saw my walking route. It was a beautiful summer day, with a bright blue sky and lovely white clouds drifting above me. Having walked down our big hill, I now found myself on the flat road saying Psalm 27. The Lord was with me in my heart.

Suddenly there was a little dog with me! I didn’t know what kind of dog this was. It just was a tiny little dog. We walked down the flat road through the neighborhood and on to the next one. Soon we came to the big hill.

I had to carry the tiny puppy in my arms because she could not walk up the big hill.

“As the mountains are round about Jerusalem so the Lord is round about His people from henceforth even to forever.” Psalm 125:2

We got back home and sat in the swing out back and looked up at the blue sky filled with clouds and prayed. In my dream, I saw Mark come home from work. He came up to the swing and looked at the little dog and lovingly smiled at her.

Just two weeks before I had prayed for a little dog and then asked Mark and he had said, “I don’t want to have an indoor dog, or any little dog in our house! I really can’t stand little dogs!”
I had been praying and having my quiet time downstairs and started crying. “Lord I wish I had a little dog. But Mark doesn’t want one.
The Lord spoke to my heart.
I will change Mark’s heart.

Did I hear God right? I didn’t ask Mark again.

In my dream I thought about what God had promised me about changing Mark’s heart, when he came up to me and the little dog in the swing. God had promised to change his heart. Now Mark joined us and picked up the little dog and smiled. He lovingly petted the puppy’s ears who licked his fingers.
In my dream we all three sat in the swing in the backyard under the trees in the beautiful golden afternoon sunlight as the bright clouds drifted across the sky above us.

I then woke up and looked at Mark sleeping beside me in wonder.


Mark groggily woke up and asked me about my dream. I told him all about it. He sighed.

The next day he asked me to draw the little dog. I drew what the dog looked like in my dream. We took the sketch to the library and started searching through every dog book we could find. We finally found the breed that matched the dog in the sketch. It looked like a Yorkie puppy!

That morning I had another dream. In it the Lord Jesus was giving me that little Yorkie puppy from my earlier dream. He said this was my angel dog. I was responsible to take care of her now.
And so was Mark.
Then He released her to me.

Down, down, down from His arms into my space she came! Then I awoke filled with joy at this beautiful new gift!

~Mark and Miss Phee~

Later that day Mark called around and found a breeder in a town a couple of hours away. We went to see her and she had two female puppies. The smallest little one seemed to choose me! The little dog clung to me as I sang to comfort her on our way home that afternoon.

My neurologist found a medication that stopped my migraines just in time for my daughter’s wedding a couple weeks later. I was able to attend and we took little Phee. I named her Phoenix and Mark promptly renamed her Phee.

The Lord truly did change Mark’s heart because he has loved little Phee from the start. And she loves him. He has even bought clothes for her. That would never have happened had God not done a miracle in his heart.

She was God’s gift not only to me but to Mark as well.
Then when I almost lost Miss Phee after she got spayed, God restored her to me with a promise and another sketch.

Now she is sick again.

You may wonder how if God promised she would be a healthy and strong little dog, did He then let her get the liver shunt?
Why did she have health issues then?
Because I have learned that God does not define good health the way humans do.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,” saith the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV

Miss Phee has always been healthy and strong in her own way, despite her liver shunt. Her doctor even said she was the poster dog for liver shunt dogs.
This was true as long as she stayed within her boundaries and was given her meds. If she would eat the right things, she was healthy and strong and filled with energy and life.

“… they cry unto the Lord in their trouble,
and He saveth them out of their distresses.
He sent His word, and healed them,
and delivered them from their destructions.
Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness,
and for His wonderful works to the children of men!”
Psalms 107:19-21 KJV

I ask you to join me in praying for my little Phee. If it is God’s will, He will heal her once again as He has before.

Thank you so much. God bless you,

In Christ’s Love,


Please Pray for Miss Phee 🖤

Lord, Please Heal Miss Phee

Lord, I ask You hear my prayer
Please heal Miss Phee I pray
Oh Jesus, Lord, have mercy
On her where she lay.

Have mercy on her, Jesus,
Heal my little dog,
Help her bark with joy again
Her tail to wag with love.

Lord Jesus, help her eat
And food not be her foe
Help her body process food
The way it’s supposed to go.

Lord Jesus, send Thy word,
And fill her heart with life
Let her legs be strong again
And fill her eyes with light.

Wrap her in Thy arms,
Lord, she is so cold!
Help her not to be in pain,
For Jesus, she is old…

Heal her, Jesus, give her back
Her little life, I ask
Hold her Jesus, hold her now,
Heal her with Thy hands.

Lord Jesus, see her suffering!
She’s suffered long with this!
Heal her now, help her get well,
Lord Jesus, let her live!

Oh Lord, she is so precious,
Hear my cry, I pray!
Make her well and let her live
In Jesus’ holy name,
Amen and amen.

(Prayer Poem for Miss Phee) All Glory To God, Copyright © 2020, SD Harden, All Rights Reserved./Prayer For Miss Phee, All Glory to God, Copyright © 2020 by Suzanne Davis Harden, All rights reserved. Photos, All Glory to God, Copyright © 2020, by Suzanne Davis Harden, All rights reserved.

After the Bath~ Miss Phee 🖤