Let Me Not Seek You Lord For Your Blessings

Let Me Not Seek You Lord for Your Blessings

Prayer Song Lyrics & Music © Suzanne Davis Harden 2012 All Rights Reserved.


Let me not seek You, Lord for Your blessings,

Let me not seek You, Lord for Your gifts,

Let me worship You, Lord, for what You’ve done,

For saving my soul from sin.


Let me not love You, Lord for the treasures

That men seek to gain from Your name;

Let me worship You, Lord, in Spirit and Truth,

From a heart that wants only to praise.


Let me not seek You, Lord, for the feelings

That come from Your wonderful love;

Let me love You, oh Christ, for Who You are,

The God of Creation above.



 Heavenly Father, help us not to seek You for Thy blessings but to love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Thy word says that we should present our bodies as “living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God, for this is our reasonable worship.”

You deserve all of our love and praise, for You are our Creator and You sacrificed Your only Son, Jesus Christ on the cross, that our sins might be forgiven and our souls redeemed from death.

Lord, when we seek You only for what You can give to us, we become the focus of our worship making ourselves an idol.

Oh Father God, reveal to us this knowledge.  Teach us what true worship in Spirit and Truth really is.

Let us not seek You for what You can do for us; let us rather bow down, and pour out our hearts and empty ourselves before You, giving You all of ourselves in full surrender. You deserve nothing less, Lord. For Thy Word teaches us that we were created for Thy pleasure and glory, not the other way around. Thank You for loving us so much, dear Lord.

We love You, Yahweh. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


*To listen to the Music that accompanies this Prayer Song, you will find the song at the top of the playlist at the bottom of this page.

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